Friday, January 08, 2010

42 Months

Okay, so three and half years is a long time! But life is good.

I am totally in love with my hubby. I like both my kids and my son-in-law. All the kids start school soon. After having kids for most of our marriage, it would be nice to have time alone.

I have been spending time lately thinking about friendship. Since Andrea died two years ago I have been without my BFF. I miss having her in my life. I would like to have it again but I have such high expectations. I have to come to grips with the fact that no one will ever compare to our 30-year long friendship. I have not figured out why I need that in my life. I guess those are the things I need to work out first.

It's weird looking for a new relationship like this. I certainly wasn't thinking at 10-years-old that I was making a friend for life. It just happened that way. Now I am using logic and reason to select the proper friendship for my lifestyle. Is that even the right way to go about it? I do have several friends, but none are as close as Andrea and I were.

I am inclined to look for like-minded women, but Andrea and I were certainly not like-minded. She was an uber-christian and I am agnostic. She was much more conservative and I am extremely liberal. External appearance was very important to her and it is much less important to me. So obviously, like-mindedness is not the key. So what is?

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