Monday, January 11, 2010

Melt Down

Despite my best effort to maintain peace of mind, I became particularly emotional on Sunday, to the point of a little mini-melt-down; tears and all. It was just too much.

The responsibility of three grown adults has been left to Russ and me. I know that it isn't going to last. Dillan starts college in February and Kayleigh and Brannon started their environmental hazard certificate class today. So things are happening and there is an end in sight. But occasionally the pressure of it all is difficult to handle.

I need some space to be alone and it isn't happening. I would prefer to have that time at home, but maybe I need to plan going out someplace. Russ and I could go to the beach and meditate. But right now it is effing cold! It was 23 degrees this morning. So I am not going to the beach anytime soon. Plus I am allowing smoking in the house because it is so cold. So the house smells of cigarettes, which I HATE! Maybe it is time for a change in order to maintain my peace of mind.

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